Pre-Feasibility Study on Titiribi coal project completed – 26 August 2013


  • Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) confirms the technical and economic feasibility for starter mining operation at Titiribi coal project
  • PFS was based on Measured and Indicated components of the total Coal Resource estimate of 8.1Mt1 developed in accordance with JORC (2004)
  • Starter mine projected to have a minimum 5 year Life-of-Mine (LOM) based on production rate of up to 400,000tpa
  • Low initial start-up capital in the order of US$7.8m
  • Low average cash operating cost of US$44/t at mine gate (US$84/t FOB port)
  • Study based on a blended metallurgical coking coal product with low ash, ultra-low phosphorus, medium volatiles and Free Swell Indexes (FSIs) averaging 6.7
  • Significant upside to PFS economics and to JORC resource remains from further exploration potential along strike from existing concessions

Pre-Feasibility Study on Titiribi coal project completed – 26 August 2013